Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm afraid that I've been "under the weather"............

for the past couple of days, so I have not been posting. Seems to be some kind of upper respiratory infection! I'm ready for it to go somewhere else!!!

Prior to that I was busy working on some designs for Pazzles, so I've not been creating any cards, etc. this week. I happened to be going through my pBase Gallery and came across a couple of nature shots that I actually was somewhat proud I thought I would share them with you.

This first one is a shot of what I call the "perfect gardenia bloom". It was taken in my backyard back in the spring of 2004, as we have a huge gardenia bush. I think gardenias are my favorite. My husband always cuts some for me to have in the house because their fragrance in simply heavenly!!!

This second one was taken around the same time, as I was practicing using my macro shot on some wild flowers. I came across this "blackeyed susan" and was lucky enough to also get a shot of a "Green Lynx Spider". My husband laughed when I told him it reminded me of a kiwi!!!

Well, I'm starting to cough again, so for now I'm going to call it a day. I hope you enjoy my "nature" shots!!!


  1. Beautiful shots Pam....did you end up buying that camera?

  2. Lovely photos Pam, I hope you are feeling better soon poor thing.

  3. Those are totally wonderful! That is a perfect gardenia blossom. I love how you caught the spider on the Black Eyed Susan too!

  4. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well! I hope you get better soon! Love the photo's too!
