Monday, March 30, 2009

I received some horrible news yesterday!!!

At around 1:15pm yesterday, I received a call from our niece saying that my husband's sister (Merrylene) had been in an accident and was at the Trauma Center in Jacksonville, FL (around an hour away). We immediately rushed to the hospital and about 30 minutes after we arrived we learned that Merrylene's husband died at the scene and Merrylene was in critical condition. I am still in shock. Merrylene and Tom just got married this past fact I posted the wedding card that I made for them here on my blog! Yesterday they performed emergency exploratory surgery on her and removed her spleen as well as a piece of her colon. They could not close her up due to swelling and if the swelling has gone down enough by tomorrow afternoon, they plan on reconnecting her insides and closing the incision. She has many broken bones they have to deal with also. The doctors told us she has a long hard road ahead of her if she makes it. They have her so heavily sedated that she has a breathing it's like she's in a coma. She also does not yet know that Tom died in the just breaks my heart. Please keep her in your prayers!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The first comment did not come out correctly ... I am so very sorry! I'll keep her in my prayers! It's no worse feeling when your loved one's get hurt. Just keep positive thinking!

  3. I am sorry to read this Pam... My thoughts and prayer's are with you

  4. Pam, what a terrible, terrible tragedy. My thoughts are with you and your family as you work your way through this.


  5. Oh Pam, I am sooooo sorry to hear this news!!!! Please know I will be keeping your sister in law in prayer, both for recovery and for her sorrow that she will face when she hears the news. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Prayers are with you and your hubby too. God's peace,comfort, gift of strong faith, and blessings to your family! Once again, Pam, I am so very sorry.


  6. I am so very sorry to hear this I will keep her and the rest of the family in my prayers

  7. I'm so sorry to read this sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  8. Pam I am so sorry that your family must deal with this. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  9. I am so sorry to hear this and will keep her and your family in my prays

  10. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I will keep your family in my prayers and my hopes for a full recovery for your SIL. I know the news of the death of her husband will be devastating to her. She will need all of you so very much during this time.

  11. Pam. Please give us an update when you are able. Powerful prayers coming your way!!

  12. such dreadful news

    Leaving some prayers for you and all your family, from me and the ladies on UKS

  13. Hi Pam

    Just read a short message on UKS and hopped to your blog.

    My thoughts are with you and the family at this time. Such a tradegy.

    Hugs to you all xxxxx

  14. What terrible news Pam. Wishing your SIL a full recovery and thinking of you, your DH and all your family.


  15. Just to say that I, and many of the UK scrapping community from UKS, will be keeping your whole family in our thoughts and prayers.

  16. This is just tragic, Pam. I am so sorry for you & your entire family. I am praying for you all. Know that God is with you at this difficult time.

  17. This is tragic, I"m so sorry for your loss. I'm sure it is a shock to everyone in your family. God Bless
