Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hey there.....check out my nifty toolbox!!!!!

Hello everyone!!! I finally got some time for crafting this week. Unfortunately, we've had a lot going on with our family. We found out on August 12th that my husband's middle child (Janice is 46) has lung cancer. She is now taking chemo once a week and radiation everyday during the week with the weekends off. Please be sure and keep Janice in your prayers! Also during this time my youngest son (Chad..age 36) had a really bad intestinal infection and lost a lot weight. He had cancer (Wilms Tumor) when he was 3 1/2 years this really scared me. He is better now...thank God!

This past Sunday, I attended one of Klo Oxford's online classes for the Pazzles Inspiration Creative Cutter (last year I served on their design team) and she presented a toolbox template designed by Wendy @ Poppy Hill Designs (you can find her here). Wendy was kind enough to give those of us that attended the class the cutter files for it...thanks Wendy! Here is what I came up craft room is mostly black, white and grey:

And here is a photo of inside. I added some strips of self adhesive magnetic tape to add weight and stability. For the handle on top, I used another one of the Spellbinders "Fancy Tags". Thanks for looking.....I just love my little toolbox!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Paper: DCWV "the Dressed Up stack"
Tools: Pazzles Inspiration Creative Cutter, Big Shot
Accessories: Spellbinders Shapabilities "Fancy Tags"


  1. Hi Pam,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog!!
    Love your toolbox too!!

    I didn't use a tutorial for the Christmaslight. I read, I could find one on this site;

    but I just couldn't find it , so I just tried it myself.
    Take a piece of card stock from 10,5 by 6 inch. Scor at long side at 0,5 inch, 3 inch, 5,5 inch and
    8 inch. Then on short side score at 2,5. And from then it's up to you ;-)

  2. Hi Pam, so sorry to hear the news on your stepdaughter, I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
    Love your toolbox,the black and white is elegant! I bet your craft room is beautiful! Hope you have a great week!
