Saturday, September 3, 2011

I just had a few scary days!!!!!

On Tuesday my darling husband went to his Dr. at the VA to get the results of the blood work that he had had done a couple of weeks prior and when Dr. Houston listened to my husband's chest he told him that he was going to send him to another floor to be wired with a 24 hour heart monitor because he heard something he did not like.  On Wednesday he went to have the monitor removed and I headed to a nearby (30 miles) town to do my weekly shopping and to go by the bank to deposit his retirement check.  Right after I pulled into the parking lot at the Dollar Tree my husband called and said they were going to admit him to Shand's Hospital because he could have a massive heart attack!!!  I immediately headed back home to check on our Yorkie to make sure she had enough food and water and while driving called his children and siblings to let them know what was going on.  I can't see to drive at night, so the plan was that I would drive to my SIL's house (about 21 miles) and ride in with her, her husband and my DH's older brother and then they would drive me home later and there was enough of them to also pick up my husband's vehicle at the VA and bring it home too.  When we got to Shand's they had my DH in the Emergency Intensive Care, waiting to be moved to a room in the Cardiac Care Unit, which took hours.  The plan was for them to do a heart cath the next morning to see what had to be done.  Well, we got good news....there is some blockage but not enough to warrant putting in stints.  They feel like they can control it with medication that he will have to take for the rest of his life, which I hope is for a long, long time!!!  At any rate, he was released late Thursday afternoon and so far seems to be doing fine.  I think the roughest thing for him right now is that he is working on quiting smoking, which I've been trying to get him to do for years.  God is good!!!  Please keep him in your prayers!


  1. We must live fairly near each other - I am about 30-35 miles from Shands in Ocala! I'm so glad that your husband escaped the heart attack! I didn't escape one, refused a stent, have been medically managed though, and have done wonderfully. Now my cardio doc can't find anything wrong with my formerly enlarged heart. I was in congestive failure for 3 years, and now that's gone, too. No smoking, lots of swimming, and a good diet along with the meds performed miracles.

  2. What a scare, thank goodness it did not turn out much worse. My MIL had 3 valves replace and pacemaker put in. She is doing fine but recovery has been long because of her age. Technology is amazing though.
