Sunday, November 13, 2011

I received my replacement blade for my Cameo yesterday.................

and look at the wonderful cuts I'm getting with it!  I was getting really great cuts with my old CraftROBO blades, but this is even better...if that's possible!!!

I just can't believe the perfection of that 1" snowflake cut.........the circles are absolutely perfect!!!  Double click on the photo to see the snowflake up close!  And at a setting of 4, the poster board cut just like butter!!!

I am one VERY "happy camper"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I saw your post in the silhouette yahoo group and hopped over here to learn about your test cuts with the Cameo. I have had mine for a week. I am suspicious that I may have a defective blade. What were the symptoms of yours? I love your work and really appreciate your shared information.

  2. Hi Barbara! There is an email button on my would you please email me so that I can answer your question better than I could here as there are a couple of questions I need to ask you.

    Thank you for your kind comments about my work too!
