Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hey y'all......please don't give up on me!!!!

Just 6 days (July 21st) after my last post, we found out that we had a buyer for our house and it would be a "cash sale".....which is really good and REALLY fast!  We accepted their offer and closed on August 6th!!!!!  In our contract they agreed that we could stay in the house "rent free" until August 30th, but because my husband's children, granddaughter and fiance and one of our niece's and her family were helping us move, we had to do it last weekend while they were all off from work.  We have moved into a little one bedroom apartment while we are dealing on a "short sale", so we put most of our belongings into storage.....including most of my craft stuff!  I feel like I am going to go into "withdrawal".  The only bright spot is that when we get moved into our new home, I will be creating a whole new craft room/area......that's what keeps me going!!!

After I get this apartment organized, I will be back with more please don't quit stopping by!!!

Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Pam


  1. I wondered where you had gotten to! Moving is so difficult, but I hope it all goes smoothly for you and you're in your new craft room very soon! We'll look forward to seeing your wonderful creations!

  2. Thanks for sharing what's happening so we won't worry. I can't wait to see the great stuff that comes out of your new craftroom. I know you will have lots of ideas to create when you finally get in there! Hope you have a restful Labor Day - moving is a lot of work.

    Betsey in SC

  3. I was wondering about you too! I started to post on the MTC board that I wanted to see a YorkieMom project,lol! Have fun decorating a new craft room!

  4. Hi Pam,

    Will NOT give up, and keeping you in prayer and my best thoughts while you transition.

    Looking forward to when you come back! Email me when you do? I'd like to come visit and I may miss it, I miss a LOT of things, despite my best intentions.

    Hugs to you!
