Saturday, November 16, 2013

Free "A2 Frame Card with Easel", a prayer request and a surprise!

Hey y'all!!!  I need prayers from all of you, as on Monday I am going for a PET scan to make sure that my cancer is still gone and I always get nervous prior to having the scan.  I have to have one every three months.  I'm feeling great, so if that is any indication, I would say everything will be fine!!!

Now, on to the "free" is for the card that I made in the previous post.  It is for the card itself and the surprise!!!  The artist, Jane Beljo, has given me permission to share my cutting file with y'all.  Here are her words "Just give it to anyone who wants it!!  No worries! :)".  So, if you would like my cutting file of her digital stamp...just email me and I will email it to you!  You can purchase her digital stamp here if you would's well worth the $2.50 price.  Thank you Jane Beljo for your generosity!!!  You can check out Jane's links here:

Now, onto the free card can download it here and it includes JPG, MTC, SVG and STUDIO formats.



  1. Thanks Pam...will keep you in our prayers. Love the way your card came out...i can't wait to try it out
    (efghaus from mtc forum)

  2. Good luck Pam, I know everything will be OK

  3. Love thoughts and prayers for Monday's PET scan, I'm sure all will be well!


  4. You are in my prayers! I can't figure out your email. I would love the poinsettia cut file and appreciate you offering it. My email is motcm at I also put it on the MTC forum, I think!:) Thank you.Rosie

  5. Good luck with your scan, Pam. Will keep you in my thoughts.
    Tine (Addie24)

  6. Prayers coming your way for your PET scan.

    Love the card and thank you for sharing the file. And also thanks to Jane for letting you share the cut file of the poinsettia, it is beautiful.


  7. Pam
    Prayers are with you. Every time I read your updates I wonder how you are & say a prayer that your cancer is gone for good.
    God Bless!

    (and thank you for all the beautiful files you do!!)

  8. Just said a quick prayer for you. I Peter 2:24

  9. thanks for the file
    I will keep you in my prayers

  10. Saying prayers for you to be clear of all cancer!!! God bless you!! Thanks for the design file.

    hugs, Patty
    Would love for you to check out my blog:

  11. I hope all went well at the PET scan. Thankyou for this lovely file and to Jane for sharing the poinsettia file.

  12. God bless and keep you during your procedure. You will be fine. I can't wait to hear a good report. Happy Thanksgiving!
