Monday, February 10, 2014

A little Valentine "freebie" for y'all!!!

So sorry that I did not get back here the other day....but with Dr.'s appointments for both my husband and myself, trying to get this card design and a birthday card completed, I just simply ran out of time!  I will get back it...just may take me a bit, so don't give up on me...LOL!

At any rate, I designed this little valentine card that I am sharing with y'all, but I have to be honest and tell you that I have not done a test cut on you may want to try cutting it on some scrap paper just to make sure it will cut well.

Here is a screen shot of it:

You can go here to download the zipped file, which includes MTC, Studio, SVG formats as well as a JPEG.  Enjoy and Happy Valentines Day to all!!!