Monday, April 27, 2009

I visited Merrylene at the rehab/hospital today………………..

Just a quick update on my SIL!!!! She seems to be doing much better now, but had a really bad night last night. It's just going to be a long hard road back! Please be sure to keep her in your prayers!!!



  1. Oh Pam I am so pleased to read this regarding your sister in law.
    Thinking of you

    Tina xx

  2. My strongest positive thoughts go her way - It'll be a long road to complete and support will get her through it.


  3. Pam, you're family is in my prayers often. I am so glad to hear that she is getting better.

  4. What a horrible tragedy. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope your SIL continues to improve.

  5. Pam, I am so terribly sorry to hear of your family's recent tragedy. My prayers are with your SIL for healing and for His comfort during this time of grieving.

  6. Oh Pam this is such a terrible sad tragedy. I will keep your SIL and family in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that she will recover and find hope and peace in the future.

  7. It's awful what your family is going through, but I'm glad she's making baby steps... I will send all my good thoughts and prayers your way :)
