Monday, June 29, 2009

Hopefully I will be active here again!!!

I just want you all to know that I was able to spend an evening with Merrylene (SIL that was in the horrible accident) this past Saturday. It had been several weeks since I had seen her because Cecil and I had both been sick with chest colds and would not take a chance of passing it on to her. I have to tell you that she is looking and feeling so much better. She actually seems like her old self and that has made our family and me so happy! She is still unable to walk as the doctors don't yet want her to put weight on the leg that was broken in the accident (compound fracture), but it's coming! Once again, I want to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns for Merrylene!!!

I also want to add here that I going to get back to my cardmaking. All along, I have been doing my projects for Pazzles, as I'm on their design team, but just about all other crafting had been pushed aside, plus my creativity went way down...................but now I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to wish you all a very happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!


  1. Glad that things are looking up for sis in law! Can't wait to see more cards from you!

  2. Oh Pam I am so please about Sister in law please pass on my regards to her....

    Glad your back Oh how I have missed you

    Happy 4th July

  3. Hi Pam, thanks for the mosquito repellent tips, I'll have to check those out next trip to Walmart. Sorry to hear about your SIL, I hope she has a speedy recovery. Can't wait to see your future cards!

  4. Oh Pam what a tough few months you must have had,i am soo pleased that your sister is getting better! Your card is gorgeous xx jo xx
