Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Well, finally.......................

I'm getting around to posting some more information concerning my illness, as well as a couple of cards I've completed!!!  First of all, I want you to know that I only have nine radiation treatments left to go.....turns out that I have to take 40 instead of 35.  This past Saturday night I had to go to the ER for dehydration and problems with my bowel (due to not eating properly), but I'm fine now.  This week the nurse at radiation is going to give me some fluids and nutrients via IV to help me out.  They will be doing the same thing the following week.  The problem with eating is that the radiation has temporarily killed my taste buds, making it almost impossible to eat..........even water tastes bad!  I just keep telling myself "and this too shall pass" and keep on trucking!!!  Also, my "new song" is:  "All I want for Christmas is my taste buds back"...lol!

Now onto the good stuff.  This first card is one that I made for one of the people in the radiation department.  She is a 24 year old young lady. named "Danny" and while taking care of me, her Mother become seriously ill and I thought she could use a "lift".  Inside the card reads:  "Danny, thank you for being one of my very "special angels" here on Earth!".

This second card is the birthday card that I made for my sister who is fighting breast cancer.  I will be mailing it to her and the 27th.  She is getting ready to take her fourth chemo treatment.  For this card, I cased a card that my good friend made.......I used different colors, a different sentiment and some butterflies.  You can see her card here.

I'm sorry to make this post so short, but I'm getting a bit tired and I think I'm going to go take a short nap....but I hope to be back soon.  Thank you for all of the prayers (keep them coming)  and for stopping by!!!


  1. Hi,
    I am, for some time now, a big fan of your blog :) I greatly admire your work.

    I wish to you and your sister all the best, and all the health in the world.

    The good times will return! Keep creating beautiful things.

    Kind regards,

  2. Pam, I think you are amazing! The way you have thought of others, kept your humor, and still inspired others to create beautiful things says a lot about your beautiful spirit. You are an inspiration in so many ways.

    You have been in my thoughts. As you know, I've seen the toll radiation can take on a body as I was with my step-dad during his chemo and radiation. Now my former husband battles the big "C" too. You are a fighter with a spirit like no other. Thank you for sharing your story and your gorgeous creations. Love and hugs, Debbie

  3. First - your cards, Pam. They are the kind that people will keep forever. Everything you make is far above everyone else's in its beauty. You have such great style, not just in your projects, but in the way you are showing the rest of us how to get through something very difficult. You have grace and beauty, and kindness, and we who consider you a friend also consider ourselves very fortunate indeed.

    Hugs and Love - Barbara, aka bdjeepers5219 stedfon

  4. Pam, I have always loved your work and these two cards are no exception. Love the way you make a card a dementional one. My pryaers continue to be with you. I agree, "Keep on Truckin" Your attitude is great! Hugs

  5. The cards are stunning, I love all the elements. Pam you are in my prayers and thoughts.

  6. Pam, thanks for the update. Hope you get your taste back quickly. Your great attitude is going to help you beat this thing! The cards would be fantastic, even if you were 100% well. Way to kick cancer's butt!

  7. Your cards are absolutely beautiful. I just got my Cameo last week and am slowly learning how to use it. Loving it!!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers and even though I don't know you, just know that prayers will be lifted up to both you and your sister. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Love your cards Pam!

    keep the good humor going, you WILL beat cancer, I feel it in my heart <3

  9. Pam,

    As usual your cards are beautiful!

    And your caring for others is just what you are about and I know they appreciate the cards you are giving them.

    You are always in my thoughts.


  10. Glad you are coming along with your treatment... You Do Beautiful Work!!! Prayers lehta "darlene" aka KSG

  11. Hey shake n bake your cards turned out wonderful. Good 2 c u up and about some. Love u.

  12. Have missed seeing your wonderful creations. These two cards are absolutely wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Take care and Happy Easter!

  13. Pam, I'm glad you are crafting again. It's good therapy. You're still in my prayers! :)

    Continued Good health!!!

  14. Hiya pam,
    have been checking in on your blog for a number of years and love your work.
    I am in the process of being diagnosed with breast cancer (the specialist is 90 percent certain its that)but have to wait for the biopsies to come back. Was soooo stunned to hear of your news. think positively and be strong, thats what i am trying to do.
    margaret uk.

  15. Pam, your heart is so big. Of all the things you could exert your energy on, it's to craft beautiful things for other people - and that's why I agree it's better to give than receive.

    I used to think losing my sight is the worst of the 5 sense to lose, but not tasting food like going color blind.

    Please know all of us who comment and visit are cheering you on as you climb that mountain. You're almost there!

  16. This post is a month old as I am writing this but I hope you are doing good. I found your blog through another post and just have to say I love your work.. I am praying for you...
