Thursday, July 11, 2013

At last, the road is starting to smooth out!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey y'all!!!  It has been a very rough road the past few months, but things are starting to get better now.  I took my last radiation treatment on April 8th, but I did not realize it takes months for the radiation to leave your you continue to bake.  I had a lot of trouble with nausea and vomiting.  There for a while, every time I brushed my teeth, I vomited and none of the meds that they prescribed helped.  There was one drug that they could have prescribed that may have helped ........but it cost $70 a pill and my insurance would not cover it.  In the end, Ginger Ale was my best medicine!  One of the biggest problems was that the radiation has temporarily killed my taste buds, but they are now starting to come back.  In one week I lost 12 pounds!!!  My husband's heart doctor introduced me to a shake called "Myoplex", which has 42 grams of protein and probably saved my life....thank you Dr. Hancock!!!  On June 3rd, I had an MRI that my eye doctor had ordered and when I went to him on June 24th for my follow-up appointment, the radiologist that had read the MRI said that I needed another MRI done as there were some indications that needed further study.  He said something about maybe the beginnings of a brain tumor and that scared my husband and I to death!!!  I made an appointment with my radiologist/oncologist so set up the MRI and also for him to check some swelling on the left side of my face that we were afraid was the other salivary gland...I was SO scared.  Well, my sweet Dr. Perkins pretty much put my fears to rest as he said the swelling was due to fluids....that is normal after my kind of radiation to the head and neck and that it was very unlikely that my type of cancer had spread to the brain.  He scheduled a follow-up MRI for August 9, they are doing my PET scan on the 13th and I will see him on the 14th to go over all of the results.  He says that I am doing VERY good and to enjoy my life!  I was told by the tech that does the PET scans that my type of radiation to the head and neck is right up there with chemo and I believe her!!!  I will keep y'all posted and once again, thank you for all of your prayers and means SO much to me!!!

To prove that I am doing much better, I actually did a little crafting yesterday.  SVG Cuts has a little promotion going right now where they give you a free file to create and if you upload it according to their directions, they will send you a $6.99 gift card.  Here is a link if you are interested.  I pretty much cased their sample...but I used what I consider to be fall colors, since it is fast approaching!  The button I used on mine is one that I painted a long time ago and the color pretty well matches the brads that I used on the purse strap.  Here are a couple of photos.

Y'all it was so much fun to get back here in my craft room and make something and I plan on getting "back into the program".  I still have some boxes to unpack now that I have some strength back.  We have had a good bit of company and expect more in September, so in between company and doctor appointments, I will be in my new craft room creating.  By the way, I will be posting some more photos of my craft room soon!  Once again, thank you so much for your prayers and support...please keep them coming!!! See ya soon!!!!!


Papers:  Bazzill and Recollections (Patterned Paper)
Tools:  Silhouette "Cameo" and Cuttlebug
Accessories:  Cuttlebug "Tiny Mosiac" Embossing Folder, Basic Grey "Magnetic Discs"


  1. Hi Pam. I hope that you continue on your road to recovery & will still keep you in my thoughts & prayers.

    Fab bag too - you must be feeling so much better if you are thinking about crafting again.
    Tine (Addi24)

  2. Pam, Sorry to read about all your health issues. I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma at the base of my tongue. I had very complex surgery and was in the hospital for 2 weeks with a trach tube, drainage tubes, feeding tube and breathing tubes. I understand your pain. Had a feeding tube for about 6 weeks. No fun but am on the road to healing as well. Still some minor issues that may never go away but I am on the right side of the sod so feel that is very good. Our daughter is marrying in Aug and I am so grateful to enjoy the day with her. Best of luck. Kate

  3. Pam,I am glad you are finally feeling better. You deserve it. We have all missed your fabulous creations and look forward to your talent inspiring us once again. I'm sorry I missed your phone call last week. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Sandy McClain

  4. You've been on my mind and in my thoughts. I'm happy to hear things are looking better for you!

    Your friend,
    Rhoda Jayne

  5. I wish you all the best in your recovery, Pam. Your bag is beautiful and classy. I'm so glad you're feeling up to crafting some things!

  6. Hi Pam, it's so good to see you crafting something again! I think we all know how much that excitement of making something soothes a part of us that nothing else can.

    I hope you keep finding solutions for your recovery that work for you.

    Hugs, Cecelia

  7. Fantastic news that you are now fee
    Ing up to crafting again. Every time I scroll through my blog follow list, I would come across your last blog pst and wonder how you were doing, so am really pleased to see an update. I hope you go from strength to strength.

  8. What good news that this is nearly over for you! I'm so glad you're doing well and back to doing some of what you love to do and are so good at! We have missed you! You have many in your corner who care. I love your little bag; Kelly's right in using the word "classy", and that describes you and the things you make to a T.

  9. Hi Pam

    So sorry to hear about your health issues!

    Been away for a long time from Blogging and have missed you at Klo classes.

    Sending you healing thoughts and gentle hugs from over the Pond and hope to see you back on here very soon.

    It wasn't the Node Bugs was it?
    Love and hugs
    massofhair :-) xxx

  10. Oh sweet thing. I remember how excited you where last year getting a new home. Now this....? I will keep you in my prayers...
    Try to remain strong. May our good Lord heal you!
    Much love and hugs...Leanne
